Key texts available from the library catalogue.
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Additional texts available from the library catalogue.
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Looking for evidence to support best practice in line with the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards?
A PubMed live search will find articles from the last 5 years with a focus on the hospital setting. Click on 'more search options' in any box for specific subsets including: broader coverage of the topic, Australian focus, or Reviews
EBL e-book, login required. More information here
ISBAR is a tool created to aide the safe transfer of patient information in clinical handover.
Download NSW Health's ISBAR app free from ITunes app store (app for other Android platforms is not yet availalble). |
New titles in the collection look at the importance of compassionate communication for our patients, our colleagues and ourselves.
The following articles are excellent additional reading for Handover Skills and a couple are Nursing Standard's most read articles.
Source: NZNO library current awareness newsletter Issue 22 - 19 November 2021