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Library Resource Guides: Wound management

Key titles on wound management

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Useful websites for Wound Management

Polices and standards from Wounds Australia

NSQHS Standards - Live Literature Searches

Looking for evidence to support best practice in line with the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards?

A PubMed live search will find articles from the last 5 years with a focus on the hospital setting. Click on 'more search options' in any box for specific subsets including: broader coverage of the topic, Australian focus, or Reviews

E-Books for Wound Management

ANMF (Vic Branch) members can log-in with their EBook Central log-in, or register for an account using the links below.

Useful articles on wound management

Click on the links to view highly-cited articles relevant to the management of wounds in various clinical settings.

  • Edwards, Helen, et al. "A randomised controlled trial of a community nursing intervention: improved quality of life and healing for clients with chronic leg ulcers." Journal of Clinical Nursing (2009) Full text [PDF, 66kB]
  • Liang, Lilian, et al. "Nutritional issues in older adults with wounds in a clinical setting." Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare (2008) Full text
  • Moore, Zena. "Managing Wounds as a Team." Journal of Wound Care (2014) Article details | Request this article
  • Rando, Tabatha, et al. "Simplifying wound dressing selection for residential aged care." Journal of wound care (2018) Article details | Request this article