The Library has an excellent collection of print books to support nursing and midwifery teaching and learning.
Featured new titles
The library collection is sorted by Dewey Decimal Classifcation, which organises materials according to their subject area. This means closely related books will be physically close to each other on the shelves. To help you easily locate resources, library staff have created a postcard that lists the different DD classifcations relating to your different subject areas.
To search the library catalogue, enter keywords on your topic.
You can then narrow your search results using the options on the left column of your results page.
For more help, see the How to search the library catalogue tutorial
Trove is the National Library of Australia's free discovery service for the public.
You can search from the collections of Australia's libraries and worldwide online sources.
The ANMF Library provides access to a growing collection of e-books.
Advantages of e-books
Check out the EBook Central e-book library guide
The benefits of using e-books:
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