Key texts available from the library catalogue.
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Ebooks available to users of the ANMF (Vic Branch) Library. Ebook Central login required.
Blue book guidelines for the control of infectious diseases
A-Z list of blue book diseases with descriptions, notification requirements, school exclusions and management guidelines.
'Myths and realities' is published by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. The guide provides the facts in response to some of the common myths and concerns that health professionals may encounter when discussing vaccinations with parents or patients.
Also check out RACGP's suggested approaches to vaccine-hesitant and refusing parents.
Looking for evidence to support best practice in line with the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards?
A PubMed live search will find articles from the last 5 years with a focus on the hospital setting. Click on 'more search options' in any box for specific subsets including: broader coverage of the topic, Australian focus, or Reviews
Infection control online training is available for health care workers in all settings.
The Australian Immunisation Handbook provides clinical advice for health professionals on the safest and most effective use of vaccines in their practice.
Click on the link to find the most up to date information from the peak body for Infection Prevention and Control professionals in the Australasian region.