Access to articles in the following databases is available onsite at the ANMF Library. Beside each link are short, recently created Basic and Advanced Search YouTube tutorials or podcast produced by the publishers.
A database is a collection of information, mostly journal articles, arranged in individual records which can be searched by a computer.
Some journal databases also include conference papers, reports and other types of information.
This short animation created by RMIT explains library databases from a student's perspective, 2012. Copyright © RMIT
Trip (Turning Research into Practice) Medical database is a clinical search engine designed to allow users quick and easy access to high-quality evidence based research.
Trip also allows users to search across other content types including images, videos and patient information leaflets.
PubMed is an excellent free version of Medline from the National Library of Medicine in the United States.
Click on the link below to access the PubMed 'conduct a search' Tutorial.
The PHC Search has filtered topics making quick & easy access to health care literature providing results from the PubMed database.
All residents of Victoria will have access to a suite of online databases through the State Library of Victoria (SLV)
Members who are health professionals working in public healthcare in Victoria have access to an excellent suite of resources in the Clinicians Health Channel