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The top three articles are available free to members in the CINAHL database (sign in to the Members Menu)
For assistance finding quality articles see the Finding journal articles online library resource guide
Do not pay for any articles, always check with the ANMF (Vic Branch) library. Submit an article request form (free for members)
Read about programs run by Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC) that include a placement to learn more about ANMF (Vic Branch), activism and social justice
Resources to inform and inspire social justice in healthcare environments as carer, colleague and advocate.
Provide respectful and inclusive health care and workplaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, and queer and questioning patients, students and colleagues
ANMF has a sexuality, sex and gender diverse position statement [PDF] outlining the evidence-base and ANMF's position, providing guidance to members for their practice and at their workplaces
Books available to loan from the ANMF (Vic Branch) Library (also available in e-book format)
Treatment of asylum seekers and refugees
ANMF has a policy [PDF] for supporting the right for people seeking asylum in Australia to be humanely treated, regardless of how they entered Australia or country of origin.
Health access and equity for First Nations peoples
Care for survivors of family violence
For assistance finding quality articles see the Finding journal articles online library resource guide
Do not pay for any articles, always check with the ANMF (Vic Branch) library. Submit an article request form (free for members)