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Library Resource Guides: Alcohol & other drugs

Clinical treatment guidelines for alcohol and drug clinicians

Continuing Professional Development offerings

Recommended articles

  • Manning, V., Staiger, P. K., Hall, K., Garfield, J. B., Flaks, G., Leung, D., ... & Verdejo‐Garcia, A. (2016). Cognitive bias modification training during inpatient alcohol detoxification reduces early relapse: a randomized controlled trial. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(9), 2011-2019. Abstract | Submit a request for the full-text
  • Lubman, D. I., Garfield, J. B., Manning, V., Berends, L., Best, D., Mugavin, J. M., ... & Room, R. (2016). Characteristics of individuals presenting to treatment for primary alcohol problems versus other drug problems in the Australian patient pathways study. BMC psychiatry, 16(1), 250. Open access full-text
  • Ford, R. (2010). An analysis of nurses' views of harm reduction measures and other treatments for the problems associated with illicit drug use. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28(1), 14. Open access full-text
  • Swift, R. A., Peers, E. A., Jones, B. L., & Bronson, M. V. (2010). Utilisation of a purpose-designed chart for the nursing management of acute alcohol withdrawal in the hospital setting. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 13(3), 70-77. Abstract

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Web resources on alcohol & other drugs

EBook resources on alcohol & other drugs

The library has a small collection of e-books on the EBook Central platform to support nursing study and clinical skills

Videos & other resources

Pathways out of addiction: The role of social groups and identity (Turning Point)

At this seminar you will hear new insights about the role of social groups and identity in recovery from leading Australian and international researchers in the areas of social identity, addiction and recovery. These insights are based on the findings of the 3-year Australian Research Council-funded Social Networks and Recovery (SONAR) study. This international-first study, involved over 300 people who received therapeutic community treatment at a number of services across eastern Australia.

Presenters: Prof Dan Lubman, Prof David Best, Prof Catherine Haslam, Assoc Prof Petra Staiger, Dr Genevieve Dingle, Dr Michael Savic, Ramez Bathish, Melinda Beckwith.